
Get a totally different and somewhat unrestrained perspective from a priest of both an old and a new covenant, a naive philosophical recluse, a freelance skinflint and home economist, and an ascetically devoted Mormon, all living fitfully in one mind and obsessed with finding truth and meaning in a sometimes shallow, hostile and increasingly senseless world. I live a somewhat sheltered life with my determined wife in obscure locations for the sociological safety of others.

My birthday is also Towel Day. Lucky me!

I go camping and hiking with my family and I have taken some pictures of our trips.

Over the years, I have kept a list of people I want to meet.

You can visit my personal web server and gopher server to see more of my stuff.

Jason the Priest

This is my most accurate attribute and my largest indictment. I work first for God though I do so pathetically. When others turn to philosophers, psychologists, pop icons, and other "experts" for answers to their questions; I tend to turn to inspiration from God. I will typically handle situations differently as a result of the source for solutions. If you seek me for advice (not many do), you will likely get a unique response. I try to act on inspiration from God in most situations and give him whatever glory is forthcoming.

Jason the Maverick

Yes, I go my own way. I don't trust the crowd mentality at all and I pay for this time and time again in lost job opportunities and impressive assignments that go to the folks that better follow the orthodoxy. Everybody thinks it is great to be the maverick, but it get lonely and can be relentlessly (and seemingly pointlessly) hard. If I wasn't also lazy, my head would have probably exploded at some point in the past.

Jason the Latter-Day Saint

This is one of my few voluntary organizational affiliations. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and I try (with varying degrees of success) to live my life after the example of Jesus Christ.

Why I am a Mormon...

Jason the Autodidact

Though I did attend public schooling, ultimately earning a bachelor's degree as a Home Economist and a master's degree in Information Technology Management, anyone can tell you that I am a maverick and have been mostly self-taught in the subjects of electronics, computers, and practically everything else I know. "Autodidact" is another way of saying "self-taught". More people are autodidactical than society is willing to admit.

Jason the Writer

I have written a number of works that are available as Kindle books on Amazon.com. I also continue working on my great philosophical anti-novels in the Navigiary allegory.

You can learn more about my writing adventures.

Jason the Technologist

I don't really think much of my abilities in this way, but my technical adventures have given me my only decent hobby and provided for my family for the bulk of my life so far.

My graduate degree is in information technology management, which keeps my fiscal and location options open, while adding surprisingly little to my "tech-cred". As I have an advanced degree, I can be sighted "teaching" on the college level lately.

Jason the Ham (W5JSN)

I took the examination for my amateur radio license in 2008, receiving a General license (KE5YGT). I build a few radios, and was never able to contact anyone. I took an additional test and received my Amateur Extra license (AG5AH) in 2015. In June of 2016, I finally joined the Greyhound Amateur Radio Club. On a whim, I looked into vanity callsigns and found one (W5JSN) with my initials (which also happen to be the consonants in and a reasonable pronunciation of my first name), which is apparently quite the prize and I snatched it up. I can be found on the 2 meter repeaters occasionally.

Jason the Home Economist

I am a degreed Home Economist, though I actually make a living as a techno-gunslinger. Many people ask me why I spent four years and some thousands of taxpayer's money doing this and I will happily explain that the principles of Home Economics closely mirror my own personal principles. Besides, young college students on the government dole are in a perfect position to pursue personal principles rather than practical income generation!

Jason the "Teacher"

I wouldn't include this, but I am a certified vo-tech teacher. I got my certificate while working at a prison so I could teach there, but I was only there long enough to get the provisional cert. I was tired of driving 200 miles a day to a job I had in a distant city, so I got a job as a school teacher, which lasted one year and proved a total fiasco, except for the fact that I now have a professional license. It would probably take a lot of torture to get me to teach at a public school again.

In the past, I supervised a course or two at Eastern New Mexico University.

Jason the Rabid Isolationist

For a long time, I wondered why I had such peculiar interests and ways, but now I understand that I am a rabid isolationist. My great desire is to essentially be left alone, which is called "asocial" (as opposed to being anti-social). For those of you that are also rabid isolationists, you may find some information on this web site to help you cope with a world intolerant of such things.

Jason the Maniacal Sharer

For a guy who wants to be left alone, I also have a sometimes confusing need to share what I know. It is important to understand that there is no conflict between being asocial and being willing to share things - these are two very different things. Now, there may be questions as to the usefulness of such sharing, but I am not here to quibble as I am the maniacal one here!